Keilor Downs College
The college is recognised as providing a safe and caring learning environment with significant academic achievement, attracting students from a broad geographic area.
The college has a specific student wellbeing structure and is divided into four vertical Houses. Each House has approximately 350 students from Years 7-12 and about 30 teaching and support staff. House management teams support students and teaching staff and consist of a House Leader, coordinators, a Teacher assistant and an Activities assistant.
We believe students learn best with a teacher who knows them well and most students are taught by the same group of teachers from their house. Students are assigned to a Home Group within their house and their home group teacher will stay with them for the six years of their secondary education, developing a real understanding of their abilities and learning needs.
A range of student leadership programs is provided across all year levels to encourage student participation. The House structure provides great opportunity for student leadership, with House captains and year level representatives elected for each year level, resulting in a youth parliament of forty eight students.
Every day is an Open Day at Keilor Downs College. To find out more, make an appointment for a school tour.
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- 承办学院:北京师范大学
- 地址:北京市西城区定阜街1号北京师范大学
- 邮编:100009
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- 报名方式:网上报名